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Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Sista's Place Review :Not The Hot Spot It's Cracked up to Be!

Some locals rave about what is supposed to be one of the hottest clubs in Baltimore, "Sista's Place" The truth is radio stations are getting paid to hype up the club whether its crap or not. And your incentive to attend is the fact that local well know DJ's and radio hosts are going to be there. Here's the real scoop on Sista's Place:

This club is small and due to it's location smack on the end of a shopping center on Liberty Rd in Randallstown, Maryland it's a wonder how they manage to stay open. Of course 1 plus is that they take the proper security measures to make sure that you or anyone else entering isn't holding anything dangerous. But ladies don't bring your rat tail combs or stick it in your purse because they do search your pocketbooks and they do take your combs and keep them.

The atmosphere in the club is cool for awhile and depending on the DJ that's working that night you may get a constant flow of great music and the bartenders aren't stingy with the alcohol. But do not go there expecting the ultimate clubbing experience because you will be let down about 80% of your expectations. Many of the guys dance but lots of them stand on the sidelines watching every ass, short skirt or hooker boots that walk by, and the time they really want to talk to you is when your in the parking lot, liquored up and ready to go.

The dance floor is small which means smelling sweat, funk and the ungodly smell of feminine hygiene. Ladies here's a tip: If you know you sweat in those unmentionable areas please invest in some feminine wipes, sprays or powders. Men, you all aren't excluded either, breath mints are cheap and effective. There's nothing attractive about the smell mixture of alcohol and cologne. And the last thing females want is some fine man all in her face smelling like cognac and brut.

Sista's Place on a scale of 5 stars you get 2 stars. **

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